Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thoughts on Love and Freedom

"Often freedom is seen as the ability to do whatever you want. But freedom isn't being able to have whatever we crave. Freedom is going without whatever we crave and being fine with it."
-Rob Bell, SexGod

True Freedom is contentment.

"[Love/Eros] cannot of himself be what, nevertheless, he must be if he is to remain Eros. He needs help; therefore he needs to be ruled. [Love/Eros] dies or becomes a demon unless he obeys God. It would be well if, in such case, he always died. But he may live on, mercilessly chaining together two mutual tormentors, each raw all over with the poison of hate-in-love, each ravenous to receive and implacably refusing to give, jealous, suspicious, resentful, struggling for the upper hand, determined to be free and to allow no freedom..."
-C.S.Lewis, The Four Loves

True Love is willing to lose for freedom
over demanding its own in bondage.

"...the truth will set you free."
-Jesus, John 8:32

"Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth."
-Paul, I Cor. 13:7

True Love sets free.

"...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
-Paul, II Cor. 3:17

True Love is True Freedom.